
The city of Tyler provides electrical service to the entire community. Our electric utility is a significant enterprise in the City's overall operations. The city's power requirements are met from three sources, Heartland Consumers Power District, Western Area Power Administration and East River Electric Power Coop, Inc. Due to these long lasting partnerships, Tyler's electric utility rates are among the lowest in Minnesota. With long term low cost electric power, the city of Tyler's Electric utility continues to be an asset to the City and its citizens.

Tree Trimming


If you notice branches in or near power lines, contact our office. Our Electric department will clear branches from the electric line right of way to prevent future power outages. Normal line clearance is routinely done in the winter months. 



Street Lights


 When the sun goes down in Tyler, hundreds of streetlights come on and shine bright across the community. Streetlights provide greater visibility and safety for motorists, pedestrians and law enforcement officials. Tyler utility crews work diligently to repair or replace broken and burnt-out streetlights — even upgrading many of them to longer-lasting LED fixtures — but it’s often difficult to catch them all. If you notice that a street light is not working, please let us know by calling out office and providing the location of the light. We will be happy to fix it!